GO 2020 Reaches 277 Million People with the Gospel in the Midst of the...

Global Outreach Day's GO 2020 mobilized over 57 million Christians worldwide to reach 277 million with the Gospel. Despite social distancing due...

Pope Francis: ‘Advent is the season for remembering the closeness of God’

On the first Sunday of Advent, Pope Francis recommended a traditional Advent prayer to invite God to draw close during this new...

Yemen at War, Christians in Peril

By Linda Burkle, PhD A web of war While the world is focused on the Russian...

“Spirituality, Medicine, and Science”. How Christian doctors change the world

<<Special Project>> World Christian Doctors Network (WCDN) is an international and interdenominational organization that was founded to collect, analyze and attest to diving healing cases...

First Church Crime Study Based on FBI Crime Data

AUBREY, Texas, Oct. 19, 2018 /Christian Newswire/ -- The National Organization of Church Security & Safety Management (NOCSSM™) has produced a first-of-its-kind study of church crimes based...

Alaska’s Catholics, Protestants unite in pro-life ultrasound project

How fast can a knight come to the rescue without a white horse? For the Knights of Columbus at St. Michael Church...

Chinese Catholic Churches Violently Closed

07/06/2019 China (International Christian Concern)– Catholics in Fujian faced a series of severe crackdown operations against churches that refused to join the...

Norbertine Fathers in California launch digital Advent calendar

A religious order in southern California is kicking off Advent with a digital calendar that allows Catholics to go more in-depth as...

Pope Francis prays for those who weep from coronavirus loneliness or loss

In his Sunday homily, Pope Francis said it is a grace to weep with those who weep as many people suffer from...

Nuns in Poland care for newborn in baby box

The Franciscan Sisters of the Family of Mary in Warsaw, Poland, found a baby girl Monday morning who had been left in...
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You Can Say No to Strife

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What it is like to be a Catholic priest in Qatar

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