05/05/2019 Washington D.C. (International Christian Concern) – Bhola, a Christian convert, was accused of committing blasphemy in Pakistan in September 2017. He was accused of allegedly burning pages with Quranic verses on them. Although the case against him was dropped in November 2017, he was fired from his job after Muslim clerics pressured his managers.
In December 2018, ICC visited Bhola to help him develop a small business in the form of an auto-rickshaw. We further assisted him with financial support for fuel, documentation, and dealer fees. Bhola was delighted to have an auto-rickshaw which he can use on a daily basis as a transportation business.
The auto-rickshaw allowed Bhola to begin earning enough money to maintain a sustainable income for his family. He shared, “I never expected to get [an] auto-rickshaw in life. It is God’s providence; he has listened to our cry. ICC and [partner] have played a great role in my life. I thank them wholeheartedly.”