Pakistani Christians Celebrate A Secure Christmas

12/26/2020 Pakistan (International Christian Concern) – Pakistan’s Christian community safely celebrated the Christmas holiday according to The Nation. To facilitate the holiday, Pakistan’s government provided tight security to churches and Christian neighborhoods.

According to The Nation, Pakistani law enforcement put security around churches as well as Christian neighborhoods in preparations for the Christmas holiday. Parks, food outlets, and other recreational places where Christians were expected to celebrate Christmas were also provided protection.

The DIG of Lahore reports that 5,000 police officers and officials were out in force to provide security to 623 churches and Christian settlements in Lahore alone.

In other cities, government officials expressed solidarity with Christians by visiting churches during the Christmas holiday. The Station Commander of Rawalpindi and several other government officials visited St. Paul’s Church in Rawalpindi on the invitation of the church’s pastor, Reverend Samuel Titus.

Pakistan’s Christian community is often targeted by terrorists and extremists. Terrorists view Christians and their places of worship as representations of the West and target them to make political statements.