03/07/2020 Pakistan (International Christian Concern) – Pakistani Christian leader, Aslam Pervaviz Sahotra, wrote a letter to Punjab authorities requesting permission to build a church and baptismal pool for inmates at the Central Jail Lahore. Sahotra was one of the 42 released and acquitted from the same prison on January 29th following their arrest for participation in the 2015 riots.
In his letter on March 4, Sahotra highlighted the reformation that jail authorities have in place that allows for Muslim teachers to visit the jail and attempt to assist those imprisoned. There are more than 13 mosques and one large congregation hall that the Muslim prisoners can use.
However, for the nearly 200 Christians, there is only one church that can only fit 25 people maximum inside. Therefore, Sahotra is requesting a place more than three times that size, and to include a large baptismal pool for conversions that take place inside the jail walls.
He concluded his letter saying, “Christians throughout the nation would be grateful to you and the jail management.”