On the 7th day of November, GCN participated in COICOM Convention 2019 which was held in El Salvador. It was 27th convention of COICOM which has great influence over Latin America Christian ministries and communities.
During the opening ceremony, President of El Salvador, Nayib Armando Bukele Ortez, encouraged about 1,000 Christian media personnel from 22 countries including Korea and USA through his congratulatory address.

Elder Johnny Kim of GCN introduced Manmin Church and its ministry of God’s power with GCN video presentation, which moved the hearts of attendees.
Pastor David Jang and the members of Sonsonate Manmin Church of El Salvador displayed and introduced books and ‘Manmin NEWS’ at the GCN booth.
The booth was crowded with those who testified with their testimonies of healing when they attended Honduras Crusade, the Peru Crusade, or while watching ministry of God’s power broadcast by En Lace and JBN.

GCN was also invited to the “Christian Media Summit 2019” held in Jerusalem, Israel this past November by the Israel Government Press Office and the Ministry of Jerusalem and Heritage. About 150 ranking Christian journalists and news executives from 30 countries representing GOD TV, CBN, TBN, and others attended the summit.
Manmin Central Church, manmin.org