Mexican archbishop laments attack on priest, death of taxi driver

Archbishop Carlos Garfias of Morelia expressed his solidarity with the Diocesis of Tlapa and with their bishop, Dagoberto Sosa, after a recent attack against a priest that resulted in the death of his taxi driver.

Fr. Juvenal Candía Mosso was shot in the city of Cuernavaca while riding in a taxi for a prison ministry meeting, the archdiocese said in a July 23 statement. The priest was shot and taken to the hospital. The driver was also injured in the attack, and died from his wounds.

According to local media, the attack took place Monday night in front of San José Seminary in the village of Chamilpa, part of metro Cuernavaca.

“We lament the death of the taxi driver who was transporting Fr. Juvenal and with pray for the prompt recovery of the priest who was wounded,” said Archbishop Garfias, who is also the vice president of the Mexican Bishops’ Conference.

“Above all we join in prayer that peace reign in all of our communities. May all of us be committed to continue to strive to build peace in our country in face of the alarming situation of violence that is being experienced,” he added.

“May Mary Most Holy, Our Lady Health of the Sick, Mother of the Holy Family of Nazareth, intercede for us, intercede for Fr. Juvenal Candía Mosso, and help all of us to imitate her son Jesus, who invites and calls us to live in his peace.”

Recent months have seen an uptick in violence in Mexico, including violence against priests. Some two dozen priests have been killed in the country since 2012, according to reports.