06/17/2019 Nigeria (International Christian Concern)- Reports coming in reveal that suspected Boko Haram militants bombed a group of Nigerians who had gathered to watch a football match on Sunday night, killing 30 people and leaving about 39 others wounded. The incident happened in northeast Nigerian specifically, in Konduga, a remote town in Borno State. This attack has resulted in the highest number of deaths this year in a series of vicious attacks from Boko Haram.
BBC reported that three suicide bombers, two girls and a boy, executed the attack. The head of the rescue team, Bello Dambutta told CNN, “They positioned themselves in different spots in the same area. Most of the people who died were from the viewing center. At least 24 people died when he blew himself up outside and 21 people were injured.”
Several deaths could have been prevented but the emergency services struggled to get to the incident and were not fully equipped to manage the situation. In fact, many of those who were wounded were sent to a hospital in the Maiduguri capital seeing as the local hospital in Konduga does not have enough resources to cater to all the wounded people. This appears to be a tactic of Boko Haram to inflict additional damage in light of the disadvantaged communities.
Though Boko Haram has not yet claimed responsibility for the attack, the terrorist group is known for its persecution of Christians and other perceived Western influences. This year alone, they have waged more than 2 separate attacks in northeast Nigeria, including several other intimidations and threats. The militant group is also known to recruit children kidnapped from towns and villages into their ranks to carry out suicide attacks. As recent as the end of May, Boko Haram has invaded Christian villages and homes and destroyed their lives. This latest attack mirrors their disregard for innocent lives.