79% of the personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are believers, – Ministry of Defense

In 2020, a survey was conducted among the military regarding their attitude to religion. Thus, 79% of the personnel reported that they consider themselves religious people. This is stated in the Bulletin of the Ministry of Defense for 2019-2020.

Source: Religiyna Pravda

According to journalist Levko Stek’s Facebook post, recently the Ministry of Defense published a “white paper” for 2019-2020. The bulletin is issued to update the public about the work of the Ministry of Defense and the development of the Armed Forces.

Возможно, это изображение (текст «даграма 6.3. результати опитування особового складу збройних сил про ставлення до ври (% вi̇д опитаних) 10% 70% 4% 2% 2% 5% православна церква украйни украйнська православна церква (ΜΠ) украйнська греко- католицька церква римо-католицька церква протестанська течия мусульманська течия IHwI»)

According to the results of the survey, 70% of respondents indicated that they are parishioners of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine. Only 10% indicated an affiliation with the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate.

“I don’t know how conscious such answers were and whether the military interviewed attached great importance to church affiliation, but still the figures are very revealing. And unexpected, to be honest, because they are noticeably different from similar surveys on a national scale,” the author of the article noted.

RISU, risu.ua