01/23/2021 Indonesia (International Christian Concern) – A protestant has been chosen by Indonesian President Joko Widodo to fill the position as the next National Police Chief after considering four other candidates. He will be the third person from the religious minority to hold the position in the predominantly Muslim nation.
Commissioner General Listyo Sigit Prabowo was the only nominee and was approved by the House of Representatives on Jan. 20.
According to UCA News, the new chief who heads the National Police’s Criminal Investigation Agency, is a close ally of Indonesian President Jokowi and will replace General Idham Azis, who recently retired at the end of January.
His appointment comes after a leading figure in the Indonesian Ulema Council, the country’s top Islamic clerical body, sparked controversy by saying the new police chief must be Muslim.
However, member of the Presidential Advisory Council (Wantimpres), Sidarto Danusubroto, welcomes Listyo’s appointment. He told Tribun News, this shows the President’s attitude that Indonesia is pro-diversity. “Anyone with integrity and capacity has the right to be appointed. Regardless of ethnicity, religion, or anything,” said Sidarto.
In response to recent criticism of the police’s excessive use of force, Listyo responded that he would try to ensure the police force was more transparent and would step up efforts to deal with serious problems, including intolerance and radicalism in the country.