ICC Provides Blankets to Christian Converts in Need

04/06/2019 Washington D.C. (International Christian Concern) – ICC has connected with a local pastor in Egypt who ministers in a neighborhood that has become a secret safe haven for Muslim-background believers (MBBs) who have fled their homes because of persecu­tion. All of these believers have faced intense persecution because of their conversion from Islam. Their lives are at risk if they return home or if their location is discovered. They are currently living in desperate conditions, in small, unfurnished rooms where they sleep on hard paper boards on the floor. Most of them are day laborers with an unstable source of meager income, leaving most with little to no money.

ICC’s Regional Manager for the Middle East met with the local pastor who explained how the MBBs are suffering because of the drop in temperature. We provided him with the funds necessary to purchase blankets for 31 of the neediest MBBs. All of the blankets were made of a thick material created for both warmth and comfort.

Many cried upon receiving their blankets, while others hugged the pastor. Some even shouted, “God is so good!”