God freed me from anger and restored my marriage, says christian from North Korea

Christian from Kangdong, one of Pyongyang’s four suburban counties in North Korea, told how his life changed after he started going to church.

In May of 2004 Kijoo Song and his wife came to Seoul to help their son. There they attended the Manmin Central Church meeting for the first time. He said that the sermons were easy to understand. While listening to the sermons, he felt apologetic toward his wife. He quit smoking and drinking and tried to be a nice husband. 
Her depression disappeared and through prayer she was healed of a skin disease that she had for 10 years. He was also healed of peritonitis by prayer.

When couple returned to Kangdong they tried to share their happiness with the members of Kangdong local Sanctuary. Kijoo Song drove the church van for the seniors or those who were physically challenged. His wife prepared dishes every Sunday for the church members. 

In late 2016, christian started working as a carpenter. He told how God saved him from falling from 5th floor.

«I was working outside the building on the 5th floor, and the pile of lumber fell on my head and knocked me down. I held on to the steel frame on the wall, and with my legs that were spread on a board I tried to support my bodyweight but I couldn’t. To my surprise another pile of lumber fell on my legs and it supported my bodyweight. I was miraculously rescued by my colleagues. The medical test showed I didn’t have any injuries to my head or the legs», says minister. 

In 2018, they were blessed with a new house. In this year 2019, 75 years old Kijoo Song got a new job even. 

«They are the great and mighty things that have taken place since I met the living God. I give all thanks and glory to God the Father for giving me hope of heaven in this life», he concludes.

Manmin Central Church, manmin.org