At the 75th International Film Festival in Venice, Italy, the film “Tel Aviv on Fire” won an Interfilm award for promoting interreligious dialogue. The film, directed by Sameh Zoabi, is a comedy in which a Palestinian writer draws upon the skills and experiences of an Israeli checkpoint commander to enhance a TV series, “Tel Aviv on Fire.”
The film confronts the uneasy boundary between harsh reality and romantic illusions, and transforming identities, opening imaginative space for dialogue.
“The film industry is vital in creatively portraying the need to protect the human rights of all.” said Marianne Ejdersten, WCC director of Communication. “Communication belongs at the heart of being on a Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace,” she said. “We cannot give an account of the reality around us, or articulate our hope if we are not communicating this to one another and to the world.”
Interfilm is an international interchurch film organization.
World Council of Churches,