It could not be explained by coincidence.
Three people suggested it in an email. A good friend and Christian leader talked about it recently. And my pastor mentioned it in his sermon.
They all spoke of the need for Christians in general, and Christian leaders in particular, to share how God is working in their lives to lead a Great Commission lifestyle. We should not expect a Great Commission Resurgence unless we lead by example.
I am convicted.
Reflecting Back
In an earlier blog, I wrote about a need for my own personal Great Commission Resurgence. Two months later, I heard from several different sources that I cannot be the leader God wants me to be unless I have a lifestyle that reflects my words.
As a result, I have formulated ten questions for my own life. I don’t plan to be confessional and answer the questions in this forum. But I am responding to God about each of them.
But, without revealing my answers, I will tell you that I have a long way to go. I am consistently inconsistent. Now, the ten questions…
10 Tough Questions
- Do I read and study my Bible daily so I can know what the Word says about a Great Commission lifestyle?
- Do I pray each day that God will lead me to a Great Commission lifestyle?
- Do I need to reconcile with someone so that God can truly use me in the fulfillment of the Great Commission?
- Am I willing to change my lifestyle materially so I might give more and be less dependent on the things of the world?
- Do I really show concern for the poor and hurting in this world and in my community?
- Would my family testify honestly that I lead a Great Commission lifestyle with them?
- Do I have a gentle and loving spirit that reflects the presence of the Holy Spirit in my life?
- Do I major on minors?
- Do I see the speck in others’ eyes without seeing the plank in mine?
- Does my life reflect genuine joy?
What Really Matters
In my church last Sunday, Pastor Mike Glenn asked a series of tough questions as he preached from Jeremiah 36. At the conclusion of the questions he made this statement: “The world does not take us seriously because we do not live serious lives.”
Those words remain with me even now.
Am I really living a serious life for the Gospel? This life is too brief to play a game and call it Christianity. Too much is at stake. Eternity is in the balance.
You see, this blog is for me. If you happen to read it and think it applies to you, that’s fine. But I really need to worry more about me. I do have a long way to go before I can claim my own Great Commission Resurgence.
Lord, I choose to follow You more closely. In Your strength, let my own life reflect the priorities and passions of the Great Commission. And when I fail, convict me and forgive me that I might start anew. May others look at me and see You more clearly in my life. For Your glory Lord, use my life to make difference.
These things I pray in the name of the One You sent to die for me. It is in Jesus’ name I pray.
This article was originally published at on August 20, 2009. Thom S. Rainer serves as president and CEO of LifeWay Christian Resources. Among his greatest joys are his family: his wife Nellie Jo; three sons, Sam, Art, and Jess; and ten grandchildren. Dr. Rainer can be found on Twitter @ThomRainer and at