California Knights of Columbus Respond to Coronavirus Announce at Home Initiative for Catholics Temporarily...

As the world confronts the turbulent COVID-19 pandemic, the Knights of Columbus, the largest Catholic fraternal organization in the world, announce a...

Ukrainian government bans mass celebrations of Easter during the quarantine

The Cabinet of Ministers has banned all mass religious celebrations during the quarantine period in Ukraine until April 24. This was stated on April...

Burmese Army Provides Disease Prevention Supplies to Religious Leaders

04/04/2020 Myanmar (International Christian Concern) – In an effort to work alongside government efforts to prevent and control the spread of COVID-19, Myanmar’s...

Luis Palau Presents Powerful Evangelistic Easter Messages Amid his Stage IV Cancer Treatment

Renowned evangelist Luis Palau is set to go big this Easter with a special digital experience sharing a powerful and heartfelt message...

Martin Khor Kok Peng, “friend of the poor,” passes away

It is with deep sadness that the global ecumenical movement marks the passing away of Martin Khor Kok Peng on 1 April....

Iranian Football Referee Accused of Christian Propaganda

04/05/2020 Iran (International Christian Concern) – An Iranian football referee, Mohammad Reza Faghani, has formally announced that he has left Iran and seeking...

Monks offer free caskets amid coronavirus

An Iowa monastery of Trappist monks is offering an unusual but necessary act of charity amid the global pandemic - free caskets...

Burmese Cardinal Blames CCP for Coronavirus Pandemic

04/05/2020 Myanmar (International Christian Concern) – One of Asia’s top prelates has laid blame on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), calling it “morally...

Journalist threatened with imprisonment and repercussions for his family

Yoe Suárez, a Cuban independent journalist, was summoned to Siboney Police Station in Havana on 27 March, where he was interrogated by...

Christian Woman in Nepal Arrested for Praying for the Sick

04/05/2020 Nepal (International Christian Concern) – On March 29, police in Nepal arrested a Christian woman for allegedly creating misleading information about COVID-19....
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