Romania marks National Day of Awareness of Violence against Christians

Romania celebrated a national day to commemorate Christian martyrs and victims of violence on Monday, 16 August. Romania’s President Klaus Iohannis...

Group Claims Nigeria Has Become a War Zone for Christians

04/14/2019 Nigeria (International Christian Concern) – As Boko Haram and Fulani militants ramp up their brutal campaign of violence throughout Nigeria, the death...

How Contentment Makes You Win More

Discontentment has forever come in the guise of being a means to get more in life. A lot of people think that...

Foreign Christians Arrested on Charges of ‘Converting’ in Nepal

NEW DELHI (Morning Star News) – A Christian from South Korea arrested in Nepal on charges of “attempting to convert” was released on...

Pope Francis: God’s love can do great things with our littleness

Pope Francis said Sunday that the Eucharist exemplifies how God’s love can accomplish great things with very little. “Whatever...

Because I’m a Christian

Far too many people approach their religion as a checkbox religion — something they have to do in order to please their god. However,...

‘You are not forgotten,’ Vatican cardinal tells seafarers on Sea Sunday

A Vatican cardinal urged Catholics Sunday to exercise a “preferential option for the poor” for seafarers serving on the front line of...

Bossey students testimony

On 17 June, six new master students finished their yearlong studies with the graduation ceremony of the World Council of Churches (WCC)...

President Biden Affirms Armenian Genocide of 1915

04/24/2021 United States (International Christian Concern) – International Christian Concern has learned that President Joe Biden has released a statement affirming the Armenian Genocide of...

Why Are Egypt’s Churches So Often Targeted?

09/27/2018 Washington D.C. (International Christian Concern) – In Egypt, reports are constantly flooding in that, once again, Islamic hardliners have gathered to attack churches. They demonstrate when...
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