On May 23, 2021, through its “A Third Of Us” campaign, the Alliance for the Unreached, a nonprofit collective made up of 50+ organizations, is inviting people across the U.S. to join a Facebook Live event at 1:11 pm (in each US time zone). The 1:11 Prayer Challenge is designed to raise awareness for the one third of all people still without access to the Bible, the church, and other believers.
Throughout the day on May 23 (the International Day for the Unreached, recognized each year on Pentecost Sunday) the Alliance will release exclusive video chats with David Platt, Francis Chan and others, offering a more personal look at this issue.
1:11 Prayer Challenge participants will be asked to pause at 1:11 p.m. each day for 33 days to pray for the “third of us” who have no access to the message of Jesus.
“What many people don’t understand is that ‘unreached’ is not the same as unsaved or even unevangelized. The vast majority of people in communities across North America have access to the good news in their language,” says Marv Newell, Executive Director of the Alliance for the Unreached. “But for the 3.2 billion people living in gospel-destitute areas of the world, it is extremely unlikely they will meet or know a Christian personally.”
Drawing or placing the Three Line Symbol (I II) somewhere visible — on your hand or in your profile picture, for example — is a simple first step to spreading awareness. The line standing apart represents the third of humanity with the “Three No’s”: No Bible, No church, and No other believers. Then, share your Three Line Symbol image on social media with the hashtag #athirdofus as a conversation starter and to invite others to join the 1:11 Prayer Challenge on May 23.
To join “A Third of Us” or participate in the 1:11 Prayer Challenge, visit athirdofus.com/idu and sign up for the Challenge or follow “A Third of Us” on social media.
The International Day for the Unreached and A Third Of Us are initiatives of the Alliance for the Unreached, a group of evangelistic ministries and other organizations.