“As some of you will know, my ministry and career have been very much focused on theological education and ecumenical formation,” he said. “Particularly in my work as a member of the faculty and director of the Bossey Ecumenical Institute, I have been very engaged in interreligious dialogue and cooperation, and I passionately believe in the importance of such relationships between religious communities.”
Sauca continued: “The current global pandemic powerfully demonstrates our shared human vulnerability, but at the same time has exposed more clearly than ever the fracture lines and forces of division at work among us. It is a moment in which the calling to unity and cooperation among religious leaders and communities is especially clear and urgent.”
Yet the goal should not just be better relationships between religious communities, as important as that is, he concluded. “Rather, we must come together in interreligious solidarity for the sake of the wider world, working together for the healing of its many wounds.”
WCC, oikoumene.org