Patriarch Kirill meets with Ecumenical Patriarch

His Beatitude Patriarch Kirill, primate of the Russian Orthodox Church, met with His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew on 31 August at the Phanar, home to the patriarchate in Istanbul, to discuss matters of inter-Orthodox concern.

Patriarch Bartholomew emphasized the importance of dialogue as a God-given means towards overcoming emerging challenges. Patriarch Kirill responded by expressing the deep emotion and vivid recollections of past visits to the Queen of Cities and his collaboration with His All-Holiness.

The two Orthodox leaders then held a lengthy private discussion in the Patriarchal Office. Although details were not released, Orthodox leaders indicated the talks were friendly and productive, and described them as a sharing of information and different perspectives on the situation with the Orthodoxy in Ukraine.

World Council of Churches,